It was 2 months back I attending the grand opening of Neverland. Trying to be have a vintage-look that night but it phailed much because I don't have a pair of killer heels to match with. Simply found the forever-match black pumps to match at last. What do you think about it? 

A new concept club in town, located near Pavilion. 

Lovin mua curly hair, yet it stays no any longer. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Thanks to Jannie for the invitation. A picha of sweetie J and her boyfie

When those club hitz songs blasting, we were all snapping pictures pictures and more repetitive pictures. That's what most of the girls do RIGHT??? *Agree with me pwease!* *^ ﹏ ^*)

Not forget about the boisㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)


Miao getting tipsy way too early huh? 

Our Jane was on stage giving her speech...<( ̄ c  ̄)y

Randomly captureed other bloggers as well.

Triangle-relationships going between us? <( ~◎ _ ◎~ )>
Miki loves Edmund. Does Edmund love her? Let's see.

From Edmund's right hand position, I suspect Edmund loves Huannie more.

Are they havin some issue between this complicated relationship? 
I bet they are because....

Huannie still loves me after all. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Ignore me for the LAME storyline if you find it uninteresting. (( M .p. M )//
Here comes to the ending part of the event.
We girls love balloons

And ONE last candid shoot to end my post. 
U guys rocks the night! ROCKER! (σ 一.一)σ