Morning Flyday, old picture by Keep Calm and Snap on. Going through a hard time struggling to finish my assignment! But is Friday, Funday, Flyday, so screw you International Business! I wanna get you done by this weekend! Hopefully, loll

Yesterday while i was researching on my assignment, i came across this Cinderella Disney x Cristian Louboutin which i've no idea how could i end up there! *facepalm* Maybe because my boyfriend told me about this few days ago.

Cinderella's iconic glass slippers with his signature red sole! *scream, all the girls scream*

Fairy tale shoes brought back to reality by CL!
So impressed, can i have this for my wedding? *hinthint*
Let's hold this dream together, and transform it to reality someday! :D
Great Friday everyone, x